Sunday, December 6, 2015

What is Yoga?

So, just what is yoga? Is it being super flexible? Meditating 20 hours of the day? A religion? Can you only be a yogi if you can reach some sort of enlightened state? For someone unacquainted with the practice there can be a lot of mystery surrounding yoga. Thankfully, it’s not nearly as exclusive or complicated as it may seem. As it continues to gain popularity in the West, it’s important to know just what is so powerful about this practice and how you can incorporate it into your life.

Yoga started centuries ago, even if only recently it’s beginning to grab more attention. It is one of the six schools of Indian philosophy and was birthed around the 15th century. Passed down through oral traditions and eventually compiled into a permanent text, the Yoga Sutra, by a sage named Patanjali, the practice is full of ancient wisdom that applies even within modernity. That is because yoga is more than the physical and external practice that can be seen with the eye.

The Practice
            Yes, yoga is more than downward dog and handstands! The yogic practice carries philosophies that can be used within all walks of life. There is a large misconception that it is limited to fancy poses or meditation when in fact, there is so much more offered.
            Ashtanga are the “eight limbs” of yoga. You may be familiar with ashtanga as a style that follows a set of predetermined set of postures in a series. It also is much richer than just what happens on the mat! The practice includes yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, and dhyana.
Yama, or “restraints” are for gaining self-awareness. They are principles such as the practice of nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, and non-possessiveness. Niyama, or “observances”, are for cultivating happiness and self-confidence. This encompasses purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and self-surrender. Asana, Sanskrit for “posture” is used for meditation and self-awareness. It includes meditation poses as well as your Warrior II, Triangle pose, and other familiar manifestations of a physical practice. There is pranayama, “energy control”. This is the skill of working with the breath to affect one’s energy. Pratyahara is “sense withdrawal”. These are methods of cutting off external stimuli in order to focus on the inner self. Dharana, or “concentration” in English, is focusing the mind and, finally, dhyana is “meditation”.

Now you’ve got an idea of the history and components of a yoga practice, but still, what’s the point? Simply put, yoga is a method of turning inward and connecting to your truest self. Each part of the practice is designed to address the body, mind, and spirit, the physical and nonphysical parts of ourselves. It’s unlocking your full potential and becoming the best you that you can be.
It may be tempting to try and perfect the eight limbs or perhaps even overwhelming knowing all of what yoga really means! No fear, it is called a practice for a reason. Yoga is a lifelong journey towards healing and self-care. For many, what begins as physical soon develops into a deeper spiritual and emotional transformation to find, focus, and develop your inner self. There are many paths to finding You and yoga is here to help! Take your time studying yoga- which is, in fact, asking you to study and discover you. It is this simple goal that makes the practice universal, unique, and stand the test of time.

Good luck on your journey, yogis!

Written by Kala Lacy
IG @benditlikelacy

The BlackGirlYoga Movement hits 10K+ followers!

Soooo this happened. 10,000 + followers on Instagram. The support is amazing! I remember starting this IG account almost a year ago as a way to connect with other yogis of similar background as I began my own personal journey. It quickly became a sisterhood. You girls are amazing! You ARE #blackgirlyoga and you continue to motivate and inspire me as well as other yogis in the community. ( insert #instahug )  

Friday, December 4, 2015

Yogi Spotlight Series - Gabi Z.

Gabi Z.

Instagram ID: namastegabi
Location: South Florida
Occupation:  Yoga Instructor

Gabi is of Haitian background and besides her passion for yoga, she enjoys hanging with her friends and doing fun stuff.  She has many interests including looking at beautiful art in all forms, writing, singing, playing the guitar, painting, crocheting, and any creative expression.  She has always felt connected to mama luna so she likes going to the beach at night when the moon is out.   
"I could stare at her forever. "  says Gabi.

Please read more about this awesome and inspiring yogi.

Yoga is freedom, connection, and love  ~ Gabi Z.

How long have you been practicing yoga?  
I have been practicing yoga for over a year now.

Do you attend classes?  
 I taught myself at the beginning but I try to attend classes as much as I can.  It is always good to keep inspired and learn from others.

How did your yoga journey begin?  
I discovered yoga, like many, in a time of need. I was really sad and depressed at the time because I was going through a break up.  A friend, who I hadn't really talked to in years, told me to take a yoga class. At first, I wasn't too excited about it because I had tried yoga before when I was like 13. My grandma had a DVD lying around and I did not enjoy it one bit! I thought it was too slow and super boring.  However, I gave the class a chance and I absolutely loved it! I loved everything about it and how it made me feel. I wanted to keep coming back to feel that blissful "yoga high". From then on, it was a wrap. I was addicted.


What type of yoga do you practice?
I practice vinyasa flow and sometimes yin.

How often do you practice?  
It depends. Yoga to me is more than a practice. It's a lifestyle. It's a part of me and so I practice yoga honestly every chance I get. Everyday is different. It could simply be taking 10 minutes to just focus on my breath and do some mindful breathing.  Some days I don't practice any asanas or won't do a full hour practice at all. Then there are some days that's all I'll do for hours and hours.  Other days I just meditate and sometimes I'll practice Ahimsa or Satya which are some of the 5 yamas. Each day is different but not a day goes by without practicing in some way.  

Is yoga more mental or physical?
I feel like yoga is more mental and spiritual. The physical poses are just 1 part out of 8 sections or "limbs" that help you reach the main goal.

What do you think about the increase of black women getting into yoga?
It's amazing! I think that it's breaking such a huge stereotype and I love that we are finally opening up to practicing yoga. I know a lot of us come from religious/Christian upbringings and for some reason yoga makes a lot of them uncomfortable or they think they're betraying their religion when in reality it's not true because yoga doesn't belong to any religion! Yoga is for everyone and it makes me so happy to see the change. 

How important is it for you to see diversity in yoga?

It's super important to me because if there was only one race or culture practicing then that would mean only a fragment of our whole entire population is receiving the benefits of the practice and I believe that every single being on this planet needs yoga in one way or another. Even if they aren't physically able to perform asanas. Just sitting and meditating or pranayama or any of the 8 limbs they can do. The world would honestly be a much better place. Everyone needs yoga. It's good for the soul. 

Any advise for someone new who is curious about getting started doing  yoga?

Just do it! Just start. Whether that's going to a studio to take your first class, or even a gym. If you can't afford to take classes regularly there are endless videos on YouTube! A lot of people think social media is the devil, which it can be, but it can also open up so many doors and teach you so much! Go on instagram and start a yoga page just to track your progress. That's what I did. Also starting yoga challenges. Google any questions you may have because EVERYTHING you ever need is on Google. It's crazy how much we have at our fingertips. 

Don't let anything discourage you from starting or keeping your practice. You are enough and you are more than capable of practicing yoga. No matter your size, skin color, height, sex, even species (I've seen dogs practice!) lol. So honestly the only thing stopping you from beginning your journey is you. Once you decide in your mind that you want it, you will get it!!! Feel free to DM or email me with any questions you may have. I'm here to help! Good luck to everyone on their journeys. Love and light. Namaste.

Thank you Gabi for sharing a little of yourself. 
I really enjoyed reading!  
Contact Gabi:


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Edited by Vanessa L.